Friday, October 17, 2008

Back To It: 10/17 Workout - Hateful 15 Minutes

So after taking about a week off, not by choice but by necessity, I found myself getting my ass kicked this morning.
6am Class with Kelly

Workout: 15 Minutes as many rounds of
10 Deadlifts (135)
15 Box Jumps (Tall Box)
After each exercise run to the fence

I was partnered with Neil on this one. The deadlifts were the easiest part. I definitely need to work on my momentum with the box jumps and being able to hop straight back into it after I land. I definitely felt a little lethargic this morning from not lowering my fat intake during my week off. Time to get back into it.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

10/11 Workout - Max Press & Pullups

8:30 am workout with Kelly, Angel & Diane.

Workout: 5 Rounds, Max Reps
Ground Press, Body Weight (175)

Final Score: 73, Only completed 3 Rounds

Round 1: 7 Press, 22 Pullups
Round 2: 6, 17
Round 3: 5, 16

Kelly had all of us work on our Ground Press. He showed us how we should be keeping our shoulder blades and upper part of the shoulder, completely against the ground throughout the whole press movement. This avoids putting any stress on the shoulders through the movement. I like doing this on the ground as opposed to on a bench because it doesn't allow you to cheat with momentum. It also makes you work on loading your shoulders and keeping them in a safe, loaded position throughout the movement. I was surprised on my strength in the press. The last time I ground pressed, probably about 7 months ago, I was struggling with 135 and now I feel great with 175. This stuff apparently works! The pullups felt great. I definitely could have gotten more reps on my first round.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

10/9 Workout: Body Weight Challenge

6 am class with Boz. Had some whole milk before I left the Apt., definitely helps. We warmed up with the usual stuff, jump rope, pushups, squats and a run to the hydrant. Feeling surprisingly good this morning even though I got to bed late.

Workout: 5 Rounds with Partner
5 Pistols Each Leg (with or without support)
5 Weighted Pullups

7 vs. 7 Tug O' War to end the morning

I was surprised at both my pistols and my pullups. My pistols have improved greatly since the first time I did them. I am much weaker on my left leg than my right. I can almost do a right legged pistol on my own, I just need to work on the balance. Left leg has a ways to go. I started the pullups at 35# and quickly moved up to 50# for my fourth round. I got 4 pullups on my fourth and 3 on my fifth. I could have rested and gotten to five, but I wanted to see how many I could do without resting.

The Tug O' War at the end was awesome. We should do that more often.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

10/7 Workout: Push Jerk Heavy

6 am class with Kevin. Real tired this morning but the whole milk definitely helped with the empty stomach.

Workout: Heavy Push Jerk
I got 3 reps with 155#

Ended the workout with Partnered Burple race.
Each Partner Does the following for time:
7 Burples
6 Burples
5 Burples
4 Burples
3 Burples
2 Burples
1 Burple

I felt good with this weight, definitely could have gone heavier. It was the first time I did push jerk from the back of my neck. I definitely need to work on the initial explosion to jerk the weight up there. Gotta jump.

I teamed up with Graham for the burples and we came in second.

10/6 Workout: Quad Tabata

7 pm class with the Angel of Death tonight. He didn't dissapoint.

Workout: 4 minutes of Tabata for each exercise (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off)
Ring Pushups
Knees to Elbows
Kettlebell Swings
Double Unders

Score: 20

Because it's tabata, you scored your lowest round. Starting at the pushups was a bad idea. Easiest was kettlebells worst was double unders. Trying to swing that jump rope as the last exercise sucked. My arms were shot by then. Next time start at Double Unders and maximize the output there.

Starting to feel better with the extra fat in my diet. I am going to stick with the two extra blocks of fat per meal for now. I am also adding some whole milk before the am classes which is also helping.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

10/4 Workout - The Sweaty 15

Saturday 8:30 Class with kelly, Angel and Diane.

Warmup: Body Squats

Workout: 15 Minutes for as many rounds of:
15 Double Unders
10 Pushups
3 Push Press each arm (45lbs DB)

Rounds: 10

I felt good during this workout. My shoulders were definitely tired as hell towards the end, but my double unders have greatly improved. The pushups were what slowed me down the most. I had to break the 10 reps up towards the end. Goal is to get at least 12 rounds next time.

Friday, October 3, 2008

10/3 Food

Today I upped the fat. 2 blocks more per meal. Total of 26 fat blocks for the day. See how it goes.

B'fast: Smoothie
2 Cups Frozen Strawberries
1/2 Cup Frozen Blueberries
2 Cups Whole Milk
3 Tablespoons of Whey
21 Almonds

Lunch: 4 Oz. Shredded Chicken
1 oz. Cheddar Cheese
3.5 Tsp of Peanut Butter

Snack: 2 Yogurts
15 Almonds

I splurged. Had my favorite greek food down the road
2 Steak Kababs
Pita with Hummus

Definitely wasn't zone, but tasted soo good.

10/3 Workout: Nancy Re-Designed

6 am class with Kelly, Carl and Diane. It's Friday so getting up was easy. Definitely starving this morning and made a point to talk to Carl about my eating. I am on the zone, 18 blocks. I am naturally skinny so my body fat % is already fairly low. I told Carl that I get hungry about 1 hour before I eat. He said to up my fat. So here goes the experiment. I am going to up the fat by adding two fat blocks to the meals, so now 26 blocks of fat total. I am also going to start to keep track of what I eat so I can figure out what works and what doesn't.

Warm-up: Lunge Stretch
10 Pushups
10 Situps
10 Pushups
10 Situps

Workout: Nancy Re-Designed (Typically 15 O'Head Squats with 95#)
5 Rounds for time:
400 meter run
15 Handstand Pushups

Time: 11:36

The Handstand pushups felt good, running did not. First two runs were brutal on the legs. I need to start rollin on the foam.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

10/1/2008 Workout - Kathy's B-Day Workout

Went to 6am class with Adrian this morning. In honor of Kathy's 39th birthday we did a workout totaling that number. Definitely a little tired this morning because of three straight 530am wake-ups, the body is not used to that. I also need to start eating/drinking something pre-workout.

Warm-up: Jump Rope 1 minute
10 Pushups
10 Squats
Went over clean form

Workout: 3 Rounds
13 Cleans (DB 40lbs)
13 Thrusters (DB 40lbs)
13 Knees To Elbows

Time: 11:00

The cleans felt great, had to break them up once the last two rounds. Thruster were tough on the shoulder because of pressing yesterday. Had to break them up a couple of times. Knees to elbows weren't bad. Overall I think I need to eat something in the morning and work on my thrusters. Thinking about Fran, those thrusters should be my best friend.