Thursday, November 20, 2008

Wednesday 11/19 Workout: Fight Gone Fran

Noon class with Carl. We did a mix of Fight Gone Bad and Fran today. Pretty brutal workout.

3 Rounds, 1 minute rest in between rounds. Each exercise lasts for 1 minute, then straight into the next exercise
Row (count calories)
Thrusters (#95, reps)
Pullups (reps)
Push Press (#95, reps)
Box Jumps (Reps)

Score: 201 R1: 75 R2:61 R3: 65

I typically got 15 or 16 with my rowing. Thrusters were the worst and I probably averaged 4. Pullups were tough because my forearms were cooked, probably averaged 10. Push Press wasn't bad, probably averaged 13 and the box jumps were my best probably averaging 20. My box jumps are definitely getting a lot better but those thrusters need to improve. Especially for my Fran time.

Tuesday 11/18 Workout: Dead Dip

Noon with Angel at Planet Granite. Great workout today. Allowed me to work on my deadlifts which have always bothered me due to poor form. Angel definitely helped me with my setup, especially with getting tight, and my return.

As many rounds in 20 Minutes:
15 Dips
12 Deadlifts (Bodyweight #170)
200 Meter run

I got 4 1/3 rounds. I took my time with the deadlifts to make sure my form was correct and I wasn't just rushing through them. It was very strange to workout inside. The stuffy, hot air was much more difficult to breath than it normally is outside.

Monday 11/17 Workout: GOAT Day

Noon with Angel. Only Steve and I showed up so we both got a chance to work on our GOATS. Since I had never snatched before, we worked on those. I also needed work on my handstands so we did a handstand piece as well.

There was no specific workout today but more so just practice on movements I am not great at. I definitely feel comfortable with my snatches as well as my handstand. Of course my handstand is still against a wall, but getting into the handstand is much easier now.

Just gotta keep practicing.

Saturday 11/15 Workout

I did two workouts this morning. One at 830 and one at 1130. The 830 was with Angel, but I can't remember what we did (That's what I get for taking so long to post the workouts). The 1130 was with Carl, Lucas and Angel.

3 Rounds
10 Cleans (#115)
Row 500 Meters

Each round had to be completed in four minutes. BRUTAL.

Then we finished the workout with 3 rounds of box & pirouettes pushups & 10 tire flips.

I was tired after the 830 am workout, but the shake and resting definitely helped rejuvenate me for the 1130 workout. 1130 felt good, I hate rowing but got through it. The cleans are getting a lot better and so is my form.

11/14 Workout

Noon with Diane. This workout was focused on Shoulders and keeping weight overhead.

5 Rounds:
10 Clean & Jerk
10 Pullups
Fence Run

Time: Don't Remember

Felt good, though the shoulders were real tired by the end.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

11/12 Workout

Noon workout with Carl, still unemployed. It was a beautiful day with some great sunshine.


With a partner complete 10 Rounds of:
10 Box Jumps
Split Jerks (40# DB)

This workout requires a bit more explanation. The box jumps were merely a timer. While one partner attempts the 10 box jumps, the other partner has to complete as many Split jerks in the time it takes the first partner to complete those 10 box jumps.

I did my split jerks with 40 lbs DB's and that was a good amount. I haven't really had much work on my split jerks and could tell. I need to get under the weight more as I pop it up. My front leg needs to extend forward more in order to do this. I also need to pop the weight up more than I was because I could feel my shoulders getting tired towards the end of the workout. I did however improve on my box jumps greatly. I made a point to work on the quickness from hitting the ground to immediately jumping back up and I definitely improved on that with this workout.

11/11 Workout

6 pm class with Kelly. I still can't believe how dark it is before 6. Just depressing. Anyways, the workout:

With a partner, complete 5 rounds of the following exercises:
Knees to Box Jump
Knees to Elbows
Kettlebell Swings

This was a competition between you and your partner. With each exercise you had to beat his/her number of reps.

I went second each time which I think helped me in the long run. It gave me a repitition number to shoot for while my partner had to just go as hard as he could. I felt great and won everything but the pushups. My partner could crank out the pushups and I was close each time, 1 or 2 reps, but just couldn't get a leg up with the pushups.

I definitely liked this workout, it really pushed you since you were going head to head with somebody else. We were originally supposed to do 7 rounds, but Kelly cut it to 5 because he could tell people were struggling. Definitely had a good headache after this one, but GREAT WORKOUT.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

11/10: 7/10's

I went to the Noon class today with Angel. You are probably asking yourself, "Noon class on a weekday, huh?" Well I was fortunate enough to get laid off last week, so I now have some time around lunch to make a workout, and wow, was it nice to be outside during the weekday! More on this later, let's get on to the workout:

5 Rounds for time
7 Squat Cleans (30# DB's)
10 Burpees

Time: 7:01

I felt good during this workout. Whether that was because it was the middle of the day or I was just excited to be outside, I don't know. What I do know is I should have gone heavier. I definitely could have finished in the 8 minute range with 40's. The burpees were the worst for me. My back has been real sore since doing some deadlifting last week and the motion of the burpees was a little painful, but hey, you have to endure some pain to get what you want, NOTHING COMES EASY!

Now a couple of thoughts on getting laid off. While going from a guaranteed salary and getting checks every 2 weeks to having no income obviously is not fun, I can do nothing but look at this as a positive thing. I don't have kids to support, I don't have any pets to feed, and I have a chance now to really look at what makes me happy in everyday life. Not many people get the opportunity to do this. The thought of going back into another office setting and sitting at a cubicle in order to fill the "hours" I was told I have to be there, sounds like the worst idea in the world. We were not put on this earth to waste away in dimly lit, windowless settings where our "hard work" is hardly appreciated or rewarded.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for working hard, but when you get shit from your bosses for not putting in the "extra hours" even though all of your work has been completed in an impressive fashion, that pisses me off. It turns into a competition to see who can kill the most time in the office so the bosses see you are putting in more hours so they assume you must be working hard. What I am trying to say is that if you are a cubicle dweller, you know how much time is wasted during the typical workday, and surprisingly, all of your work still seems to get done on time. Imagine if you could focus for 3-4 hours, get all of your work done for the day, and have all that time on your hands! What would you do?

This is what I have been thinking for a couple of days now and I believe that I can pull this off. I have recently realized that I am fairly good at writing and I know their is a strong need for web content writers out there. I also know that with that extra time, I would get my crossfit certification as well as some other fitness certifications, I would get into kiteboarding, Mtn bike more often, get into photography, learn the drums, most importantly LIVE MY LIFE!

So here is my goal:
By January 1st I want to be freelance writing for 5 websites, have at least 2 certifications in fitness completed and have my crossfit cert scheduled.

We will visit this in a month and a half and see where I am.

Think about what type of legacy you want to leave on this planet when you are gone. What would you think of the life you are leading when you are on your death bed. Would you be proud of your accomplishments and the path you chose or would you wish you had pursued your passions and enjoyed life? It's never too late to make a change.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Back To It: 10/17 Workout - Hateful 15 Minutes

So after taking about a week off, not by choice but by necessity, I found myself getting my ass kicked this morning.
6am Class with Kelly

Workout: 15 Minutes as many rounds of
10 Deadlifts (135)
15 Box Jumps (Tall Box)
After each exercise run to the fence

I was partnered with Neil on this one. The deadlifts were the easiest part. I definitely need to work on my momentum with the box jumps and being able to hop straight back into it after I land. I definitely felt a little lethargic this morning from not lowering my fat intake during my week off. Time to get back into it.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

10/11 Workout - Max Press & Pullups

8:30 am workout with Kelly, Angel & Diane.

Workout: 5 Rounds, Max Reps
Ground Press, Body Weight (175)

Final Score: 73, Only completed 3 Rounds

Round 1: 7 Press, 22 Pullups
Round 2: 6, 17
Round 3: 5, 16

Kelly had all of us work on our Ground Press. He showed us how we should be keeping our shoulder blades and upper part of the shoulder, completely against the ground throughout the whole press movement. This avoids putting any stress on the shoulders through the movement. I like doing this on the ground as opposed to on a bench because it doesn't allow you to cheat with momentum. It also makes you work on loading your shoulders and keeping them in a safe, loaded position throughout the movement. I was surprised on my strength in the press. The last time I ground pressed, probably about 7 months ago, I was struggling with 135 and now I feel great with 175. This stuff apparently works! The pullups felt great. I definitely could have gotten more reps on my first round.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

10/9 Workout: Body Weight Challenge

6 am class with Boz. Had some whole milk before I left the Apt., definitely helps. We warmed up with the usual stuff, jump rope, pushups, squats and a run to the hydrant. Feeling surprisingly good this morning even though I got to bed late.

Workout: 5 Rounds with Partner
5 Pistols Each Leg (with or without support)
5 Weighted Pullups

7 vs. 7 Tug O' War to end the morning

I was surprised at both my pistols and my pullups. My pistols have improved greatly since the first time I did them. I am much weaker on my left leg than my right. I can almost do a right legged pistol on my own, I just need to work on the balance. Left leg has a ways to go. I started the pullups at 35# and quickly moved up to 50# for my fourth round. I got 4 pullups on my fourth and 3 on my fifth. I could have rested and gotten to five, but I wanted to see how many I could do without resting.

The Tug O' War at the end was awesome. We should do that more often.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

10/7 Workout: Push Jerk Heavy

6 am class with Kevin. Real tired this morning but the whole milk definitely helped with the empty stomach.

Workout: Heavy Push Jerk
I got 3 reps with 155#

Ended the workout with Partnered Burple race.
Each Partner Does the following for time:
7 Burples
6 Burples
5 Burples
4 Burples
3 Burples
2 Burples
1 Burple

I felt good with this weight, definitely could have gone heavier. It was the first time I did push jerk from the back of my neck. I definitely need to work on the initial explosion to jerk the weight up there. Gotta jump.

I teamed up with Graham for the burples and we came in second.

10/6 Workout: Quad Tabata

7 pm class with the Angel of Death tonight. He didn't dissapoint.

Workout: 4 minutes of Tabata for each exercise (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off)
Ring Pushups
Knees to Elbows
Kettlebell Swings
Double Unders

Score: 20

Because it's tabata, you scored your lowest round. Starting at the pushups was a bad idea. Easiest was kettlebells worst was double unders. Trying to swing that jump rope as the last exercise sucked. My arms were shot by then. Next time start at Double Unders and maximize the output there.

Starting to feel better with the extra fat in my diet. I am going to stick with the two extra blocks of fat per meal for now. I am also adding some whole milk before the am classes which is also helping.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

10/4 Workout - The Sweaty 15

Saturday 8:30 Class with kelly, Angel and Diane.

Warmup: Body Squats

Workout: 15 Minutes for as many rounds of:
15 Double Unders
10 Pushups
3 Push Press each arm (45lbs DB)

Rounds: 10

I felt good during this workout. My shoulders were definitely tired as hell towards the end, but my double unders have greatly improved. The pushups were what slowed me down the most. I had to break the 10 reps up towards the end. Goal is to get at least 12 rounds next time.

Friday, October 3, 2008

10/3 Food

Today I upped the fat. 2 blocks more per meal. Total of 26 fat blocks for the day. See how it goes.

B'fast: Smoothie
2 Cups Frozen Strawberries
1/2 Cup Frozen Blueberries
2 Cups Whole Milk
3 Tablespoons of Whey
21 Almonds

Lunch: 4 Oz. Shredded Chicken
1 oz. Cheddar Cheese
3.5 Tsp of Peanut Butter

Snack: 2 Yogurts
15 Almonds

I splurged. Had my favorite greek food down the road
2 Steak Kababs
Pita with Hummus

Definitely wasn't zone, but tasted soo good.

10/3 Workout: Nancy Re-Designed

6 am class with Kelly, Carl and Diane. It's Friday so getting up was easy. Definitely starving this morning and made a point to talk to Carl about my eating. I am on the zone, 18 blocks. I am naturally skinny so my body fat % is already fairly low. I told Carl that I get hungry about 1 hour before I eat. He said to up my fat. So here goes the experiment. I am going to up the fat by adding two fat blocks to the meals, so now 26 blocks of fat total. I am also going to start to keep track of what I eat so I can figure out what works and what doesn't.

Warm-up: Lunge Stretch
10 Pushups
10 Situps
10 Pushups
10 Situps

Workout: Nancy Re-Designed (Typically 15 O'Head Squats with 95#)
5 Rounds for time:
400 meter run
15 Handstand Pushups

Time: 11:36

The Handstand pushups felt good, running did not. First two runs were brutal on the legs. I need to start rollin on the foam.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

10/1/2008 Workout - Kathy's B-Day Workout

Went to 6am class with Adrian this morning. In honor of Kathy's 39th birthday we did a workout totaling that number. Definitely a little tired this morning because of three straight 530am wake-ups, the body is not used to that. I also need to start eating/drinking something pre-workout.

Warm-up: Jump Rope 1 minute
10 Pushups
10 Squats
Went over clean form

Workout: 3 Rounds
13 Cleans (DB 40lbs)
13 Thrusters (DB 40lbs)
13 Knees To Elbows

Time: 11:00

The cleans felt great, had to break them up once the last two rounds. Thruster were tough on the shoulder because of pressing yesterday. Had to break them up a couple of times. Knees to elbows weren't bad. Overall I think I need to eat something in the morning and work on my thrusters. Thinking about Fran, those thrusters should be my best friend.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

9 Months Late

"My name is Sean and I have a back injury". That's how my email read when I sent it to Kelly, one of my crossfit instructors 9 months ago. I was an ex-college athlete that had a back injury, bulging disc in my L4-L5, causing me pain everyday. I constantly "worked" on my strength at the local Globo Gym, which meant perfecting my bicep curls and tricep extensions. I was a master of cable machines and the calf raise. I realized that the hour I spent in the gym was doing nothing for my pain or improving my overall strength. After a brief stint following some body-weight conditioning by Matt Furey, I found Crossfit. At first it was the website. I attempted to do some of these workouts on my own at the gym, and wow, I got my ass kicked. I seriously thought I was in decent shape, but comparing my times to some of the times on the website, not so much in shape as out of shape. Long story short, I eventually found San Francisco Crossfit, emailed Kelly to tell him about my injury and cautiously went to check it out. My first workout was Back Squat Max. Not the best workout in my mind with a bad back. Nonetheless, I did it, with Kelly's watchful eye and loved every second of it. I realized I had lost significant leg strength since my injury, and my core was pitiful but I was in this for the long run.

There Began my journey 9 months ago. Since then I have gotten much stronger but I still have a ways to go. I have come to love going to Crossfit each day. The instructors are great people with amazing knowledge and the other crossfitters have become good friends. Crossfit is now my new obsession.